The Implementation Coordinating Group (ICG) is a peer advisory, accountability, and convening body.
It includes representatives of organizations responsible for implementing Bay Adapt projects, reviews program progress, and provides analysis and recommendations to best implement Joint Platform tasks to their peers.
The ICG began meeting in August 2023 and will run throughout the implementation of the Joint Platform. You can access meeting agendas, presentations, and materials here.
Chief, Environmental Sections
US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District
Deputy Operating Officer Valley Water
Executive Director
Bay Area Regional Collaborative (BARC)
Chief Executive Officer
Canal Alliance
Executive Director
San Francisco Estuary Institute
Vice Chair
Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter
District 4 Director
S.F Consulting Co.
Executive Director Metropolitan Transportation Commission/Association of Bay Area Governments
Founding Director
Rise South City
Executive Director
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
Executive Director California State Coastal Conservancy
Executive Director
Save the Bay
UC Davis
Chief Executive Officer
San Mateo County Flood & Sea Level Rise Resiliency District
President Farallon Strategies
Fisher Bay Observatory
West Coast Director
NOAA Office for Coastal Management
Executive Director
San Francisco Estuary Partnership
Chief Executive Officer
Bay Planning Coalition
San Francisco Bay Program Lead
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Executive Officer
Regional Water Quality Control Board
Executive Director
Climate Resilient Communities
President and CEO
Bay Area Council
Meeting Overview
During this meeting, the Implementation Coordinating Group discussed how to pivot from the creation of the Joint Platform to implementation of the tasks and actions. Staff discussed the status of BCDC-led projects and held two breakout rooms to help understand what members can give and get from the group and to identify the status of various projects led by member agencies.
Meeting Overview
During this meeting, the Implementation Coordinating Group confirmed its role, purpose, and priorities and finalized Community Agreements. Staff from BCDC, MTC/ABAG, and BARC presented current initiatives including implementing the recently adopted SB 272, a framework for sorting adaptation projects to be funded, and an in-progress multi-agency MOU to determine regional roles for funding adaptation.
Meeting Overview
During this meeting, the Implementation Coordinating Group discussed shared priorities for the upcoming year’s work plan. Staff from BARC, SCC, BCDC, MTC/ABAG, and Save the Bay presented on several current initiatives related to collaborative funding for the Bay Area and staff confirmed the upcoming year’s work plan.
Meeting Overview
During this meeting, the Implementation Coordinating Group heard from funders from the Coastal Commission, US EPA, Ocean Protection Council, and Caltrans on how to align funding programs to get planning and projects done.
Meeting Overview
During this meeting, the Implementation Coordinating Group received an update on the Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan, heard an update on public funding efforts since the last meeting, and attended a breakout session on either private funding or BCDC’s Funding Strategy.