Metrics That Move with the Tides
Bay Adapt Currents is a data-driven dashboard that provides up-to-date and relevant data about sea level rise adaptation in the San Francisco Bay region. The Bay Adapt Joint Platform is a regionwide adaptation strategy that identifies opportunities to make the region more resilient. One of the actions in the Joint Platform calls for the region to report on progress towards achieving the goals in the Platform. Bay Adapt Currents is a public-facing and data-driven platform allowing stakeholders and the public to track progress towards successful adaptation. Read below for more information on what we are tracking or learn how to use the dashboard here.
The Joint Platform calls for communities to take the lead in adaption. Bay Adapt Currents tracks trends in community perceptions of climate change and desire for more local action on climate change based on public polling information. Additionally, the dashboard tracks community programs throughout the region that build capacity and awareness among communities to lead on sea level rise adaptation.
The Joint Platform recognizes that residents and decision-makers need the best possible information to adapt appropriately to sea level rise. The platform provides information on news coverage and peer reviewed published scientific research related to sea level rise in the Bay Area.
Adapting to rising sea levels requires a consistent, unified approach for the region. The Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan will help align the region with subregional adaptation plans. In the future, Bay Adapt Currents will track these plans as they develop. At the moment, Bay Adapt Currents tracks the inclusion of sea level rise in city general plans as well as tracks the amount of sea level rise and time horizons used for planning in those jurisdictions.
The core of sea level rise adaptation is the implementation of projects that increase resilience. Regionwide success will be dependent on our ability to fund, permit, and implement projects. Bay Adapt Currents reports on funding sources for adaptation projects. It also tracks projects implemented in the region. Lastly, it tracks the placement of re-used sediment on wetlands that enhance ecosystem resilience.
California has a rich network of adaptation–focused organizations working to address the challenges of sea level rise at myriad scales. The Bay Adapt Currents aims to track the state of adaptation planning, capacity, and knowledge in the region without replicating existing tracking efforts. The dashboard has a page showcasing metric reporting and monitoring initiatives, including reporting on sea level rise adaptation or ecosystem health.
Any questions about the Bay Adapt Currents dashboard? Email us at [email protected]